Snowflake Partner Connect | Snowflake Documentation (2024)

Partner Connect lets you easily create trial accounts with selected Snowflake business partners and integrate these accounts withSnowflake. This feature provides a convenient option for trying various 3rd-party tools and services, and then adopting the onesthat best meet your business needs.

Supported Partners


Snowflake neither determines nor dictates the conditions or terms (length, supported features, etc.) for partner trial accounts; thesepolicies are set by each Snowflake partner and vary according to the partner.

For details about a specific trial, please contact the partner directly.

Currently, Partner Connect includes the following partners:




Snowflake Partner Connect | Snowflake Documentation (1)

Snowflake Partner Connect | Snowflake Documentation (2)

Snowflake Partner Connect | Snowflake Documentation (3)

Data Integration

Alteryx Designer Cloud

Snowflake Partner Connect | Snowflake Documentation (4)

Free forever plan

Snowflake Partner Connect | Snowflake Documentation (5)

Data Integration

Snowflake Partner Connect | Snowflake Documentation (6)

Business Intelligence (BI)

Snowflake Partner Connect | Snowflake Documentation (7)

Data Integration

Snowflake Partner Connect | Snowflake Documentation (8)

Data Integration

Snowflake Partner Connect | Snowflake Documentation (9)

Data Integration

Snowflake Partner Connect | Snowflake Documentation (10)

Snowflake Partner Connect | Snowflake Documentation (11)

Snowflake Partner Connect | Snowflake Documentation (12)

Snowflake Partner Connect | Snowflake Documentation (13)

Snowflake Partner Connect | Snowflake Documentation (14)

Data Integration

dbt Cloud

Snowflake Partner Connect | Snowflake Documentation (15)

Business Intelligence (BI)

Snowflake Partner Connect | Snowflake Documentation (16)

Data Integration

Snowflake Partner Connect | Snowflake Documentation (17)

Data Integration

Snowflake Partner Connect | Snowflake Documentation (18)

Snowflake Partner Connect | Snowflake Documentation (19)

Data Integration

Hevo Data CDC for ETL

Snowflake Partner Connect | Snowflake Documentation (20)

Snowflake Partner Connect | Snowflake Documentation (21)

Data Integration

Snowflake Partner Connect | Snowflake Documentation (22)

Snowflake Partner Connect | Snowflake Documentation (23)

Data Integration

Informatica Cloud

Snowflake Partner Connect | Snowflake Documentation (24)

Data Integration

Informatica Data Loader

Snowflake Partner Connect | Snowflake Documentation (25)

Data Integration

Snowflake Partner Connect | Snowflake Documentation (26)

Data Integration

Snowflake Partner Connect | Snowflake Documentation (27)

Data Integration

Matillion Data Loader

Snowflake Partner Connect | Snowflake Documentation (28)

Data Integration

Matillion ETL

Snowflake Partner Connect | Snowflake Documentation (29)

Data Integration

Snowflake Partner Connect | Snowflake Documentation (30)

Data Integration

Qlik Replicate

Snowflake Partner Connect | Snowflake Documentation (31)

Data Integration

Snowflake Partner Connect | Snowflake Documentation (32)

Business Intelligence (BI)

Snowflake Partner Connect | Snowflake Documentation (33)

Business Intelligence (BI)

Sisense for Cloud Data Teams

Snowflake Partner Connect | Snowflake Documentation (34)

Data Integration

Snowflake Partner Connect | Snowflake Documentation (35)

Snowflake Partner Connect | Snowflake Documentation (36)

Data Integration

Snowflake Partner Connect | Snowflake Documentation (37)

Data Integration

Snowflake Partner Connect | Snowflake Documentation (38)

Data Integration

Snowflake Partner Connect | Snowflake Documentation (39)

Data Integration

Snowflake Partner Connect | Snowflake Documentation (40)

Business Intelligence (BI)

Security Requirements

Partner Connect is limited to account administrators (i.e. users with the ACCOUNTADMIN role) who have a verified email address inSnowflake:

  • To use Partner Connect, you must switch to the ACCOUNTADMIN role or contact someone in your organization who has the role.

  • To verify your email address:


    In some cases, you automatically receive an email prompting you to Please Validate Your Email. If you did not, follow thesesteps to verify your email address:

    1. Sign in to Snowsight.

    2. Select your username, and then select Profile

    3. Configure your email address:

      • If you do not have an email address listed, enter an email address in the Email field, and then select Save.

      • If you cannot enter an email address, an account administrator must either add an email address on your behalf or grant your userthe role with the OWNERSHIP privilege on your user.

      • If you did not receive an email, select Resend verification email. Snowflake sends a verification email to the address listed.

    4. Open your email, and then select the link in the email to validate your email address.

    Classic Console:
    1. Select the dropdown menu next to your login name » Preferences » General.

    2. In the User Information area, add or verify your email address by selecting the appropriate link(s) in the Email Addressfield.

Connecting with a Snowflake Partner

To initiate a trial account with any Snowflake partner currently in Partner Connect:

  1. Log into either Snowsight or the Classic Console.

  2. Make ACCOUNTADMIN the active role in the interface:

    Either Interface:

    Click the dropdown menu next to your login name, then click Switch Role » ACCOUNTADMIN to change tothe account administrator role.

  3. Open the Partner Connect page:


    Select Data Products » Partner Connect.

    Classic Console:

    Select Partner Connect . The Snowflake Partner Connect page opens.

  4. Click on the corresponding tile for the partner to which you wish to connect.

    A dialog displays the requirements for connecting to the partner, as well as a list of the objects automatically created in Snowflakeduring the connection process, including an empty database, warehouse, default user, and custom role. The partner application usesthese objects when reading from or writing to your account.

  5. Optionally specify one or more existing databases in Snowflake to automatically use with the trial. This creates an additionalcustom role that makes existing data in Snowflake quickly and easily available to the partner application.

    If you do not specify any databases during the initial connection process, you can specify them later; however, specifying them lateris a manual task.


    Currently, you cannot use the Classic Console to specify shared databases (i.e. databases shared from provider accounts toyour account) for your Partner Connect trial during the initial connection process. If you select a shared database, theClassic Console returns an error when you click the Connect button to complete the process.

    To use shared databases with a trial:

    • Use Snowsight to complete the initial connection process.

    • Manually specify the shared database after the process completes.

  6. Click the Connect button below the partner description to initiate creating a trial account with the partner and connecting thepartner application to Snowflake.

When the process is complete and the objects have been created, the partner tile is updated with a checkmark.

Objects Created for the Partner

During the connection process, the following Snowflake objects for the partner application are created in your account:

Object Name





This database is empty and can be used to load/store data for querying. If you wish to use existing databases that already containdata, during the initial connection process, you can specify any non-shared databases to use in the field provided. You can alsomanually specify other databases after the process completes.



The default size of the warehouse is X-Small, but can be changed if needed.


System User

This is the user that connects to Snowflake from the partner application. As noted in the dialog, a random password for the useris automatically generated.



The PUBLIC role is granted to this custom role, which enables the role to access any objects owned/granted to the PUBLIC role.In addition, this role is granted to the SYSADMIN role, which enables users with the SYSADMIN role (or higher) to also access anySnowflake objects created for partner access.

In addition, if you optionally chose to specify one or more existing databases during the initial connection process, a second customrole is created with all of the necessary privileges to access the tables in the databases:


This role is then granted to the PC_<partner>_ROLE, which enables all the tables in the specified databases to be used by the partnerapplication with minimal (or no) additional configuration.

Note that this second role is not displayed in the dialog, but the role is created automatically after all the other objects listed inthe dialog are created.


The above objects are created to enable a quick, convenient setup:

  • If you prefer to use existing Snowflake objects (databases, warehouses, users, etc.), you can update the preferences in the partnerapplication to reference the desired objects in Snowflake.

  • An account administrator can use ALTER USER to change the generated password forPC_<partner>_USER.

  • To enable access to objects owned by (or granted to) roles other than PUBLIC, grant the other roles to PC_<partner>_ROLE.

Automated Application Features and Resource Usage

Partner applications may include automated features such as dashboards that run on a schedule and consume compute resources. Weencourage you to read the product documentation for a partner application and tomonitor usage of the PC_<partner>_WH warehouse to avoid unexpected Snowflakecredit usage by the application.

Adding Partner IP Addresses to Network Policies

If you use a network policy to restrict access to your Snowflake account based on user IPaddress, partner applications will not be able to access your account unless you add the partner’s IP addresses to the list ofallowed IP addresses in the network policy. For detailed instructions, see Modify a network policy.

The following table lists the IP addresses to add for each partner (if available and supported) or provides links to pages on thepartner sites for this information:


IP Addresses





ALTR . .




CData Software





N/A . .






dbt Labs . .






For more setup details, see the Fivetran Documentation.


Hunters . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Hevo Data CDC for ETL








Informatica Data Loader






Matillion Data Loader


Matillion ETL


Nexla .



Rivery . . .

Sigma .



For the IP addresses, see the Sisense Documentation.



For the IP addresses, see theSnapLogic Documentation.





For the IP addresses, see theStitch Documentation.








Launching a Partner Application

After a partner application is connected to Snowflake:

  1. On the Snowflake Partner Connect page, click the corresponding tile.

  2. Click the Launch button to open the partner web site.

Disconnecting from a Partner Account

If you decide to discontinue a trial account initiated through Partner Connect for any reason, complete the following steps:

  1. Log into either Snowsight or the Classic Console.

  2. Make ACCOUNTADMIN the active role in the interface.

    Either Interface:

    Click the dropdown menu next to your login name, then click Switch Role » ACCOUNTADMIN to changeto the account administrator role.

  3. Open the Partner Connect page:


    Select Data Products » Partner Connect.

    Classic Console:

    Click on Partner Connect . The Snowflake Partner Connect page opens.

  4. Click the tile for the partner application you are disconnecting from. In the dialog that opens, note the names of the database,warehouse, system user, and custom role objects that were created for the partner application during the initial connection process.

  5. Use the appropriate DROP <object> command to remove each of the objects created for the partner application.


    During the initial connection process, if you specified existing databases to use with the partner application, remember to alsodrop the PC_<partner>_DB_PICKER_ROLE role that was automatically created along with the other objects.

  6. Contact Snowflake Support to clear the partner connection and remove the checkmark from the partner tile in Partner Connect.

  7. If the trial does not expire on its own, contact the partner to end your participation in the trial.

Troubleshooting a Connection

Connection Already Exists

If your organization already has an account with the partner, initiated either with the partner directly or using Partner Connect onanother one of your Snowflake accounts, initiating another trial account might fail with a message that a connection already exists.

In this case, the trial for this account must be initiated directly through the partner.

Snowflake Partner Connect | Snowflake Documentation (2024)


What is partner connect in Snowflake? ›

Partner Connect lets you easily create trial accounts with selected Snowflake business partners and integrate these accounts with Snowflake.

What is the partner connect menu in Snowflake? ›

Access the Partner Connect page:

- For Snowsight, select "Admin » Partner Connect." This opens the Partner Connect page. - In the Classic Console, click on the "Partner Connect" tab, and the Snowflake Partner Connect page opens.

What makes a partner connect partner different from other partners? ›

AI-generated answer

This means that they have in-depth knowledge and expertise in using and implementing Snowflake's products. Secondly, a Partner Connect Partner provides integration with third-party data tools. This allows Snowflake customers to easily connect and work with other data tools they may already be using.

What are the three most common types of partners in Snowflake ecosystem? ›

  • Solution Partners offer consulting and implementation services.
  • Wipro is an example of a Solution Partner.
  • Tech Partners offer software, drivers or interfaces.
  • Matillion is an example of a Tech Partner.

What is partner connect? ›

The Partner Connect service integrates your business partners into your organization by implementing encrypted connections for secure, reliable and integrity-protected communication. Our service then monitors the usage, availability and performance of the business-critical partner connections.

What role is required to use Partner Connect? ›

For all other Partner Connect tasks, you must first sign in to your workspace as a Databricks workspace admin or a Databricks user who has at least the Workspace access entitlement. If you are working with SQL warehouses, you also need the Databricks SQL access entitlement. For more information, see Manage users.

What is Snowflake Connect? ›

The Snowflake Connector for Python provides an interface for developing Python applications that can connect to Snowflake and perform all standard operations. It provides a programming alternative to developing applications in Java or C/C++ using the Snowflake JDBC or ODBC drivers.

Who does Snowflake partner with? ›

Our Data Cloud was first available on Amazon Web Services (AWS), which remains an integral Snowflake partner with which we have many joint customers. As Snowflake continues to grow, our customer base continues to expand. We've answered by making our Data Cloud available on Microsoft to best serve our customers' needs.

What is API integration in Snowflake? ›

API Integration involves establishing a connection between Snowflake and external APIs, enabling seamless data flow and interaction. By integrating APIs, Snowflake users can aggregate, transform, and analyze data from different sources in real-time.

What does Snowflake recommend a user do if they need to connect to Snowflake with a tool or technology that is not listed in Snowflake's partner ecosystem? ›

If you need to connect to Snowflake using a tool or technology that is not listed here, we suggest attempting to connect through our JDBC or ODBC drivers. These drivers provide general, multi-purpose connection functionality for most tools and technologies. Also, you are not limited to working with these solutions.

What are the names of the four Snowflake editions? ›

You can think of Snowflake Editions as different plans Snowflake offers. Snowflake currently offers four editions: Standard, Enterprise, Business Critical, and Virtual Private Snowflake (VPS). Each Snowflake Edition is differentiated by the availability of certain features.

What is the difference between a tech partner and a solution partner in Snowflake? ›

E) Tech Partners offer industry-specific expertise, while Solution Partners provide general technical support. In summary: - Tech Partners focus on consulting services and technical training. - Solution Partners provide specialized software or hardware solutions that integrate with Snowflake.

Who is the main competitor of Snowflake? ›

Top Competitors and Alternatives of Snowflake

The top three of Snowflake's competitors in the Data Warehousing category are Amazon Redshift with 16.75%, Google BigQuery with 13.64%, SAP Business Warehouse with 11.99% market share.

What is triple redundancy in Snowflake? ›

Triple redundancy is for both data & as well as compute which means you can lose 2 of the 3 data centers in your Snowflake cloud region and your account will still be operational as a read-only mode.

What are the tiers of Snowflake Partner Program? ›

SPN Program Tiering
  • ELITE. Technology partners with exceptional integration and joint customer wins.
  • PREMIER. Technology partners with strong reference architecture and joint customer wins.
  • SELECT. Technology partners beginning to build their Snowflake practice.

What is partner connections? ›

About partner connections

A partner connection enables you to easily and continuously send your audiences to partners so you can serve your tailored campaigns. Below is a list of Audiences partners, connection requirements, and the user identifiers supported by each.

What is partner connect in databricks? ›

Partner Connect makes it easy for you to discover data, analytics and AI tools directly within the Databricks platform — and quickly integrate the tools you already use today. With Partner Connect, you can simplify tool integration to just a few clicks and rapidly expand the capabilities of your lakehouse.

Who are Snowflakes' partners? ›

  • Accenture.
  • Deloitte.
  • EY.
  • Infosys.
  • LTI.
  • phData.
  • TEKsystems logo.
  • Tredence.

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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

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Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.